Basic Life Support: CPR and First Aid

Basic life support (BLS) includes airway-management skills such as the  log roll and recovery position, one-rescuer cardiopulmonary  resuscitation and additional skills like caring for a choking person,  controlling bleeding and caring for a person in shock. The first aid portion of this program includes key skills such as illness and injury assessments, bandaging and splinting skills and emergency moves.

The DAN Basic Life Support: CPR and First Aid (BLS: CPR&FA) course offers entry-level training in providing basic life support to adults with life-threatening injuries while activating emergency medical services.

Basic life support includes one-rescuer cardiopulmonary resuscitation, use of an automatic external defibrillator (AED) and additional skills such as controlling bleeding and caring for a choking person or a person in shock. The first aid portion of this program includes key skills such as conducting illness and injury assessments, bandaging, splinting and performing emergency moves.

This program meets 2010 International Liaison Committee on Resuscitation and American Heart Association guidelines on Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and Emergency Cardiac Care.

Recommended Minimum Hours of Training
Basic life support= 6 hours
First aid= 2 hours

The time needed to teach the course varies depending on several factors including the number of students and their ability to process the educational components of the program.

Knowledge Development
Topics cover in the BLSFA course include the following:
basic life support
scene safety assessment
CPR (single rescuer, adult only)
obstructed airway
first aid assessments
control of external bleeding
bandaging and wound management
shock management
medical emergencies
lifting and moving

Course participants must complete the DAN BLS: CPR & FA examination with a minimum passing score of 80 percent. The instructor will review the examination with each participant to ensure 100 percent understanding of the material.

Skills Development
At the end of this program, you will be able to:
Perform a scene safety assessment.
Perform one-rescuer CPR on a nonbreathing person.
Use an AED.
Perform injury and illness assessments.
Place an unconscious patient in the recovery position.
Provide assistance to a choking adult.
Provide care for shock.
Provide care for external bleeding.
Secure a bandage using correct techniques.
Splint an injured limb.

Recertification is required every 24 months.